Show details
Guiding mount time: 10-14hour(s).
Weight: 15.08 KG
Amount per car: 1 set
The kit contains amongst others following parts:
-M5 frontbumper including various mouldings/supports/covers.
-Both fenders including the airintakes/wheel arcs housings - please note the fenders are wider so you will need to use spacers for your rims afterwards.
-Because there need to be space for the airintakes behind the fenders, you will need to modify your windshield washer fluid tank. A new original windshield washer fluid tank is also included in the kit, but we haven´t tested if fits yet.
Please note:
-Because M5 models doesn´t have foglights - you will need to dismantle your foglights - and get them decoded.
-You must use spacers for your front rims afterwards because the fenders are wider!
-The windshield washer fluid tank has to be changed to an original BMW M5 windshield washer fluid tank (is included in the kit), or modified to fit!
Let one of our BMW specialized workshops do the mounting, we got the know how and low prices!