Show details
Guiding mount time: 2,5-3,5hour(s).
Weight: 0.45 KG
Package Dimensions (LxHxW): 15x10x5 cm
Amount per car: 1 set
Made in Germany!
Complete repair set inclusive original gaiter, pre-assembled butt connectors or heat shrink connectors! so you just have to cut the old cable set, and install this, the colours of the cables are the same as original.
Following advantages:
-Ultra flexible, ready-to-install repair sets, including pre-assambled connectors.
-Including OE gaiters.
-Cold / heat resistant and break-proof by the use of silicone isolations.
-Colours of the cables are based on the original cable harness.
-High fitting accuracy.
-No additional "assembly hours" will be incurred by the customer.
-Fast and easy installation.
-Environmentally friendly as only the defective part has to be replaced.
-A repair set costs only a fraction of an original harness.
-Patented procedure.
-Made in Germany.
Let one of our BMW specialized workshops do the mounting, we got the know-how and low prices!