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Plug housing 6-pol. for taillight with 10cm wire
61136984758 61 13 6 984 758 6984758

A65342 61136984758 61 13 6 984 758 6984758 BMW E87 LCI -  Plug housing 6-pol. for taillight with 10cm wire A65342 61136984758 61 13 6 984 758 6984758 BMW E87 LCI -  Plug housing 6-pol. for taillight with 10cm wire
7.41 USD excl. vat
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The product is in stock at Nordborg. Amount: 1.00 pcs..

Product number: A65342

Manufacturer product number: 61136984758

The product is original

Condition of the item: Used

This product fits on both left and right hand drive model.


All models
Dismantled from BMW E87 LCI 118d N47 18.04.2007 Vin: PY77521 Taillight
This part has different variants even though the item number is the same. Compare the pictures to be completely sure it fits your BMW/Mini.

(Remember freight costs are calculated in the shopping cart)

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Weight: 0.01 KG

Package Dimensions (LxHxW): 4x2x3 cm

Amount per car: Amount unknown

The item pictures is the actual item. Which means when the item is sold the picture will be deleted. We reserve the right that the goods may be sold out in the event of two clients purchase simultaneously. If you are in doubt about which parts will fit your BMW, don´t hesitate to contact us. please have the last 7 signs in your chassis number ready for our staff! (Please note: Dangerous goods – special freight requirements/price)

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Plug housing 6-pol. for taillight with 10cm wire

7.41 USD excl. vat
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SKU  A65342

In stock
The product is original Condition of the item: Used
Fits on:
All models 61136984758 Dismantled from BMW E87 LCI 118d N47 18.04.2007 Vin: PY77521 Taillight This part has different variants even though the item number is the same. Compare the pictures to be completely sure it fits your BMW/Mini.
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In stock
The product is original Condition of the item: Used
Fits on:
All models 61136984758 Dismantled from BMW E87 LCI 118d N47 18.04.2007 Vin: PY77521 Taillight This part has different variants even though the item number is the same. Compare the pictures to be completely sure it fits your BMW/Mini.
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The product is original Condition of the item: Used
Fits on:
VIN NUMBER BY ORDERING 116I All Models 118D All Models 118I All Models 120D All Models With Autotransmission. Year 07/05- 120I All Models 130I All Models The part is delivered as shown in the pictures. All bolts are functional and not rusted in place. It is not corroded through, and the part will pass inspection once installed. We recommend sanding and painting it slightly before installation. 33-31-6-783-714 B33316783714 33316783714

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